0x001 Programming/01. C | C++

[Example] 생산자 | 소비자

KimSangLab 2017. 12. 29. 15:17

#include <windows.h>
#include <tchar.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <malloc.h>
#include <io.h>
#include <process.h>
#include <time.h>


#define DATA_SIZE 256


#ifdef _UNICODE
#define _tstrrchr wcsrchr
#define _tstrrchr strrchr


#ifdef _UNICODE
#define _tstrstr wcsstr
#define _tstrstr strstr


#ifdef _UNICODE
#define _memtchr wmemchr
#define _memtchr memchr

typedef struct MSG_BLOCK_TAG
 DWORD fReady, fStop;
 volatile DWORD nCons, mSequence;
 DWORD nLost;
 time_t mTimestamp;
 DWORD mChecksum;



MSG_BLOCK mBlock = {0,0,0,0,0};


unsigned int WINAPI Produce (void *);
unsigned int WINAPI Consume(void *);
void MessageFill (MSG_BLOCK *);
void MessageDisplay( MSG_BLOCK *);


DWORD _tmain( DWORD argc, LPTSTR argv[] )
 DWORD status;
 HANDLE hProduce, hConsume;

 InitializeCriticalSection( &mBlock.mGuard );
 hProduce = (HANDLE) _beginthreadex( NULL, 0, Produce, NULL, 0, NULL );
 hConsume = (HANDLE) _beginthreadex( NULL, 0, Consume, NULL, 0, NULL );

 status = WaitForSingleObject( hConsume, INFINITE );
 status = WaitForSingleObject( hProduce, INFINITE );

 DeleteCriticalSection ( &mBlock.mGuard );

 _tprintf(_T("Producer and consumer thread have terminated \n"));
 _tprintf(_T("Message produced : %d, Consumed : %d Lost : %d \n"), mBlock.mSequence, mBlock.nCons, mBlock.mSequence - mBlock.nCons );
 return 0;



unsigned int WINAPI Produce (void * arg)
 srand ( (unsigned int) time(NULL) );
 while( !mBlock.fStop )
  Sleep(rand() / 100 );

  EnterCriticalSection( &mBlock.mGuard );

   if( !mBlock.fStop )
    mBlock.fReady = 0;
    MessageFill( &mBlock );
    mBlock.fReady = 1;
    InterlockedIncrement( &mBlock.mSequence );
   LeaveCriticalSection ( &mBlock.mGuard );


 return 0;


unsigned int WINAPI Consume( void * arg )
 CHAR command, extra;

 while( !mBlock.fStop )
  _tprintf(_T("\n ** Enter 'c' for Consume; 's' to Stop : "));
  _tscanf("%c%c", &command, &extra);

  if( command == 's' )
   mBlock.fStop = 1;
  else if( command == 'c' )
   EnterCriticalSection( &mBlock.mGuard );
    if( mBlock.fReady == 0)
     _tprintf(_T("No New Message. Try Again later \n"));
     MessageDisplay(&mBlock );
     mBlock.nLost = mBlock.mSequence - mBlock.nCons + 1;
     mBlock.fReady = 0;
     InterlockedIncrement( &mBlock.nCons );
    LeaveCriticalSection( &mBlock.mGuard );
   _tprintf(_T("Illegal Command, Try Again \n"));


 return 0;


void MessageFill( MSG_BLOCK * msgBlock)
 msgBlock->mChecksum = 0;

 for( i = 0; i< DATA_SIZE; i++)
  msgBlock->mData[i] = rand();
  msgBlock->mChecksum ^= msgBlock->mData[i];

 msgBlock->mTimestamp = time( NULL );




void MessageDisplay( MSG_BLOCK * msgBlock )
 DWORD i, tcheck = 0;

 for( i = 0; i < DATA_SIZE; i++)
  tcheck ^= msgBlock->mData[i];

 _tprintf(_T("\n Message number %d generated at : %s \n"), msgBlock->mSequence, _tctime( &( msgBlock->mTimestamp )));
 _tprintf(_T("First and last entries : %x %x \n"), msgBlock->mData[0], msgBlock->mData[DATA_SIZE - 1 ]);

 if( tcheck == msgBlock->mChecksum )
  _tprintf(_T("GOOD -> mChecksum was validated. \n"));
  _tprintf(_T("BAD -> mCheckSum failed. message Corrupted \n"));

